Guest lecture on opportunity recognition
- Opportunity recognition
- University of Twente
EnschedeThe Netherlands
In September 2020, I was invited by was invited by Dr. Rainer Harms, Associate Professor, the Netherlands Institute for Knowledge-intensive Entrepreneurship (NIKOS), University of Twente, to deliver a guest lecture on Opportunity Recognition to students of Business Administration MSc. I modified my usual talk to focus on my understand of opportunity recognition, with three key parts: (i) problems and tools, (ii) S³ (seek, screen, seize), and (iii) identifying opportunities by observing changes in consumer behaviors and the market.
In the third week of November, the Global Entrepreneurship Week is celebrated, and the University of Twente invited me to deliver another guest lecture on Opportunity Recognition, this time to ~150 Business Administration BSc students.
More details about this talk will be added shortly!
The most recent version of this talk’s slides are available on
This talk was presented at 4 other events.