Never end in spam with the world’s most comprehensive email deliverability checklist
- TypeScript
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As a creative technologist (interdisciplinary designer + engineer) and entrepreneur, I love building products that solve problems.
My projects, like all sections of this site, are open source and available on GitHub as raw markdown files.
Never end in spam with the world’s most comprehensive email deliverability checklist
Twitter bot which tweets news in haikus using GPT-
Daily messages for birthday reminders using GitHub Actions
Redirect Russian traffic from your site to support Ukraine
Starter for @remix-run with localized routing and in
Internal ERP and inventory management system for Pabio
Style quiz and onboarding flow for Pabio’s personalized interior design and furniture rental service
Interactive proposals with photorealistic renders for Pabio
Interactive marketing website and landing pages for Pabio
Track your reading using GitHub Actions
Easily update repos created with GitHub templates
️ GitHub Actions uptime monitor & status page by @AnandChowdhary
Tiny Web Tokens (TWT) are like like JWTs but tiny
Bootstrap and configure any project using its template
️ Find empty appointment slots in a user’s calendar
Convert a Google Docs file (API response) to Markdown
Natural language web automation with Puppeteer
️ Opinionated TypeScript starter for server-side Node.js libraries
️ Auto-archive your webpages on the Internet Archive
Open source JavaScript file uploading widget with 30+ plugins to select and edit photos
Booklet, tickets, and branding for typography and design event at Santa Clara University
Full-stack SaaS startup starters with recurring payments, authentication, API gateway, and more
Collect feedback from your users on the web
Scrum/Agile error mitigation platform with StackOverflow integration powered by open-source bug tracker
Icons for browsers, OSes, devices, flags, and more
Track JS errors and send them to your backend
Share links for songs, places, podcasts, and more
Automatically translate your JSON IN files
Version control your thoughts
Better icons for languages, because flags just don’t cut it
File-based key-JSON database with nodecache
Changelog notifications widget for the web, powered by GitHub
Calendar link generator for popular services
Greet your visitors with a hello bar
️ Wikipedia summary cards for the web
AI-powered employee engagement and chat platform with HR automation and analytics for CLS Group
Suite of free smartphone apps for people with disabilities like dyslexia, blindness, and deafness
JavaScript image uploader and editor, no backend required
Educational escape room built using IoT technology and a real-time database with IBM for a module project in April 2018.
Hyperlocal on-demand cleaning and employee training app for the Netherlands’ second-largest cleaning service provider.
Elearning platform, job recommendation engine, and resume generator chatbot for Trivago in 24 hours.
Location-based offline friend discovery and music matching app built for Amsterdam Dance Event in 24 hours.
Face recognition Augmented Reality app for business events, built at the AWS Hackathon for StartupFest Europe.
End-to-end web accessibility plugin with disabled-friendly features and legibility customizations
Hackathon to solve India-specific problems in New Delhi with 200 participants and tens of thousands of dollars in prizes.
Fashion ecommerce startup delivering high-quality, affordable clothing and accessories internationally.
A simple and beautiful self-hostable URL Shortener
Period and sexual health companion for women that gives personalized tampon recommendations and access to self-help resources.
Browser extension for easy reading and web customization for people with dyslexia
Material design UI/UX for the Government of Delhi’s program for state schools, School Management Committee (SMC).
One Grid is the simplest grid system in KB
Branding and mobile-first Shopify website for one of the fastest-growing precious jewelry companies.
Branding and Shopify theme customization for one of the fastest-growing online supplements stores in India.
Free music downloading and sharing app for Android and the web. Over 100,000 downloads. Shut down in 2016.
Branding and web design for Cambridge Social Ventures (University of Cambridge) startup trying to break barriers in justice.
A super-simple theme for one-page articles and projects
A single CSS file to design beautiful webpages
Plastic bottle industrial redesign project using AutoDesk and SolidWorks for IDII to reduce environmental impact.
India’s first online training platform, built in collaboration with government agencies and large corporates.
Platform to celebrate, promote, and build a brand — India. Over 75 organizations use the Made with Love in India badge.
Education-technology startup trying to break classroom barriers, products include virtual library and collaborative e-classroom.
Redesigned brand identity of for an event in five hours. Made a trustworthy, user-centric brand.
Designed branding and marketing material and learnt video editing during internship at new-age media school