Pabio Lounge
- January 3, 2022
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Pabio Lounge is Pabio’s internal operating system. It’s a web-based ERP, CRM, CMS, and inventory management system that we use to manage our sales pipeline, inventory, deliveries, billing, and everything else.
The sales pipeline is the real-time dashboard of all our customers and their proposals. We can see the status of each proposal and track it as it moves down from sign up to sending the proposal to the customer to signing the contract to delivering the furniture.
After customers complete our onboarding process, they’re added to the sales pipeline and we perform a soft credit check. Our team of professional interior designers and salespeople, aided by our internal 3D rendering tool, then create a personalized proposal for the customer.
Salespersons also place the furniture order with our suppliers and set up a delivery schedule that customers can view on their dashboard. They can also apply discounts and add addons to the proposal.
We also use Pabio Lounge to manage our inventory. We can see the status of each item, including whether it’s in stock, on order, or in transit. We can also see the status of each invoice.
Other features of Pabio Lounge include billing management with predictions of future cash flow, data export, and an internal CMS for managing the website.
Additionally, we can view any returned products that we can refurbish and add back to our inventory, and track our in-stock inventory in real-time.